Under the Industry 4.0, smart factory and manufacturing require holistic integration of smart products, tools, and services throughout the product life cycle. With the notion of PSS (Product Service System), smart products here refer to smart products, tools, services and integral innovative manufacturing systems. Smart product/service system design is a multidisciplinary research field involving Industrial Design, Service Design, Mechanical Design, Interaction Design, User-Experience Design, Human Factors and Emotional Design to name a few.
Currently, researches into product service system design are separated into different stages and sub-systems, the research on the integration of smart products/services with intelligent computing and manufacturing is much needed not only to concern product design, manufacturing and customer services but also to take on repurposing, reuse, costing, remanufacturing and recycling in the design stage.
Therefore, this research symposium aims to bring researchers together from different research aspects around the product/Service system design, innovation and system integration to exchange their current research, discuss better research ideas, update the state-of-the-art of the current research status, and encouraged research collaborations.