Registration Introductions
1. The conference registration is by this online registration system.
2. At least one author of an accepted paper needs a registration and presents the paper orally or by poster.
3. Welcome all participations to attend our conference without any accepted papers.
4. Conference registration fee is ¥3000.00, or $480, €390,£340.
5. Students registration fee is ¥2200.00, or $360, €290,£250.
6. Payment account:
Account name: 西北工业大学
Bank of deposit: 工行西安西工大支行
Account number: 3700117319200004172
Please make your registration fee payment within two weeks after the registration, and upload your payment evidence or email us to enable us produce the receipt for you.
7. If you need an invitation letter for your visa application, please contact us.
8. If you have any enquires, please contact us.
Email address: